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Apologetic Sites

Dr. Francis A SchaefferApostle Paul's Areopagus address

Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer (01/30/1912 - 05/15/1984) a true 20th century apostle/prophet and defender of the faith & Apostle Paul in Athens by Raphael (1483-1520)

Oliver Cromwell

The great Oliver Cromwell (04/25/1599 - 09/03/1658) between two pillars as Lord Protector--he was a Puritan who defeated the corrupt Charles I with his army of godly puritans, which included John Owen.

Apologetics is part of Evangelism and a Door God uses for Presenting the Gospel

Evangelism & Introduction to Apologetics (Listen to the Audio 9 Part Series) & University Press Club--Chuck in Princeton

Witnessing tab & Cult Sites Tab & DeSales University--part 6 (Q&A Evangelical Chinese (CEM) Retreat with Dr. Bob Morey)

What is Apologetics? (HTML)

Heaven Test: Are you going to Heaven? Free TestAll Christians should be engaged in apologetics in their day to day witnessing. Christians have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to be Christ's witness bearers (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8)--one aspect of witness bearing is the task of apologetics; it is actually part of Evangelism, not a separate entity. God wants every believer to be "competent to defend the Faith" (Jude 3). Apologetics comes from the Greek word "apologia." It means a "verbal defense". It is used eight times in the New Testament: Acts 22:1; 25:16; 1 Cor. 9:3; 2 Cor. 10:5-6; Phil. 1:7; 2 Tim. 4:16, and 1 Pet. 3:15. You witness to people from where they are. There is no magical formula--the Holy Spirit has to do the convicting. (See the Witnessing Tab for further information on how to witness and the history of Evangelism.)

Defending the Faith CD series by Dr. Robert A. MoreyEvangelism is commanded for all believers (Matt.28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 8:1-4; 1 Thess. 1:7-10), which includes witnessing everywhere (marketplace, work, school, etc.--see the Book of Acts). Yes, the church members should be leading sinners to Christ and then disciple them in the things of God (Matt. 28-19-20).There should be a desire and concern among true Christians in reaching the Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Unregenerate Protestant/Evangelicals, Unregenerate Roman Catholics and so on with the Gospel of Christ--see Q & A part 6 video lecture series by Dr. Robert A. Morey given to an Evangelical Chinese (CEM) audience at DeSales University in 2011; click DeSales University--parts 1-6 and watch video on how to answer tough questions (click for 2011 Allentown, PA Conference Syllabus entitled "Does Life Have Meaning Without God?") & CEM-Registration. DeSales University CEM lecture also on CEM - Part 1; CEM - Part 2; CEM - Part 3 ; CEM - Part 4 ; CEM - Part 5 ; CEM - Part 6

Many of the above mentioned groups only see a false or feminized Christianity being presented in a pagan, immoral America, which they think represents true Christianity. Unfortunately, many of the so-called Christian Churches in America have been infected with the disease of "political correctness."

Dr.Robert A Morey_Photo.jpgIn Memory of Dr. Robert A. Morey (11/13/1946--01/05/2019), who went to be with the Lord in 2019. Click to see Dr. Bob's Memorial: Biography & Testimony.

Dr. Morey was considered one of your top Protestant theologians and apologists in the world and could read up to 10 to 15 books an hour with 80% photographic memory. God blessed him with an IQ of 185. A Hebrew and Greek scholar and one of the very few Exegetical Theologians in the world with over 65 books published.

Comment: Dr. Morey was one of the few apostles/prophets (small "a", Ephesians 4:11) in the 21st century church--Francis Schaeffer was another example of an apostle/prophet in the 20th century and Calvin considered Martin Luther an apostle. They had to do the dirty work in the church because of all the false doctrines and teachings. Most Evangelicals would not invite "Apostle Paul" to their church if he were alive today.

Audio Lectures by Dr. Bob & Some of Dr. Bob's greastest Reponses Below (2nd Box)

crusaders.jpgFrom the Desk of Dr. Robert A. Morey (11/13/1946--01/05/2019). Some of Dr. Bob's greatest reponses. See Dr. Bob Answers His Critics--PDF and Dr. Bob Answers His Critics (HTML).

Great articles such as Pope and Maranatha High Schools, Review of Jonathan Cahn's book: The Mystery of of the Shemitah, etc. Also, click to hear Dr. Morey Live! (Questions).


Dr. Bob's groundbreaking "Journal of Biblical Apologetics(JBA)," 2002--2008, below: Natural Theology Vol. 1 & 9; Roman Catholicism Vol. 3 & 4; General Theism Vol. 4; Islam Vol. 5, 6, 7 & 8; Acts 17 (Does it support Natural Theology?), Thomas Aquinas, Calvin, etc. Vol 9; A Review of To Everyone an Answer, The Divine Essense/Engery Dichotomy, Jungian Analysis of Rick Warren's Shape Personality Profile, etc. Vol. 10; and Da Vinci Code: Historical Fact or Historical Fiction, The Renaissance of Natural Theology, etc. Vol. 11. Hard copies can be purchased at & also, see Is the Sabbath for Today? Series below (in English & Spanish)

  • JBA volume 1




  • JBA volume 1




Real Biblical Discipleship for Women (there are a lot of books that pretend to be Biblical Discipleship Programs for women, but are just Psychoheresy)

Dr. Anne Morey-The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women

  • The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women by Dr. Anne Morey (Also, available from XulonPress.)
  • Missional Women--a Denver, Co ministry
  • Psychoheresy Awareness Ministries
  • PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries--the Christian ministry of Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan
  • To Order Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan's books on Psychology and the Church via the Website
  • Roman Catholic Friends Looking for Biblical Answers

    Return to Rome_Dr. Francis Beckwith

    Debate: See Free 7-part video of a scholarly debate between Protestant Apologist Dr. Robert A. Morey and Roman Catholic Apologist Dr. Robert Fastiggi entitled Geneva vs. Rome or at Faith Defenders site (7-part series)

    What about Protestants that Converted to Roman Catholicism?

    Eastern Orthodoxy Friends Looking for Biblical Answers

    • Eastern Orthodoxy-- PDF
    • Is Eastern Orthodoxy Christian?—recommended book --PDF
    • Seminar on Eastern Orthodoxy -- PDF by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Note: We know a lot of dedicated priets or members that do accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and expect to see them in heaven; however, the syllabus is to help the organization change some of its false doctrines that are not Biblical. Eastern Orthodoxy began as a true Gospel-preaching church that followed Scripture and trusted in the person and work of Messiah alone for salvation. It had a glorious beginning that promised much for Egypt. God has raised up Orthodox Reformers such as Cyril Lucarias (1572-1638), who was elected Ecumenical Patriarch in 1620, and the spiritual head of Orthodoxy. Cyril issued a new Confession of Faith for the Orthodox Church in 1629 and in 1633. Cyril was murdered and his body dumped into the Bay of Bosphorus because he taught the Biblical Gospel: we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone. If Eastern Orthodox countries adopt his reforms, their countries will be prosperous and stronger than they are now.

    Other Religions & Misc. Topics

    Bible Prophecy & What is happening in the U.S. and Western Europe

    Pre-Tribulation Fraud ExposedThe End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A Morey

    After the Tribulation DVD & The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey & Daniel's 70th Week CD


    Dr. Walter R Martin on Radiostanding on the cross with BK Campbell

    Dr. Walter R. Martin (09/10/1928 - 06/26/1989) taking questions on his radio program (he was known as the Bible Answer Man ). Dr. Robert A. Morey (right) was not only a friend of Dr. Martin, but his best student and the top 21st century apologist and theologian--see Standing on the Cross: An interview with Dr. Robert A. Morey by B.K. Campbell of the Christian Thinker.

    World Religions

    Aztec sacrificesSuttee Woman

    (Aztecs & human sacrifices) (A windowed Hindu woman being led to the funeral pyre to be burned)

    Natural Theology

    Parmenides 515_540 BCHeraclitus 535 BC

    Parmenides (515/540 BC) & Heraclitus (535 BC) by Johannes Moreelse (1603 - 1634)

    Church History

    St Peter's Square

    Image credit: St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, Rome (By NJIAT © Copyright, 1981)

    Book Reviews

    Film Reviews

    Samson and DelilahSamson kills Phiilistines with Jawbone
    Image credits (left to right): 1. Original theatrical release poster of the Cecil B. DeMille film Samson and Delilah (1949). By Paramount Pictures. This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1927 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewedSee 2. Samson Destroys the Philistines with an Ass' Jawbone (Judges 15:1-17). By Gustave Doré (1886). Public domain.

    12 Tribes of Israel during Joshua's time

    See this 1949 classic film by Cecil B. DeMilles titled Samson & Delilah (Judges 13 thru 16). A film about a true Hercules by the name of Samson (sent by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, approx. date 1118-1071 B.C.). Samson (from the tribe of Dan) was a judge/ruler of Israel for 20 years and fought against the Philistines. The Angel of the Lord visited both Manoah and his wife (Samson's parents) and told his wife--who was barren--that she would bear a son. When they asked the Angel of the Lord what His name was, the Angel of the Lord said, "Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful? (Judges 13:18, NKJV). And when they sacrificed a young goat to the Angel of the Lord and He went up in the flame, "And Manoah said to his wife, We shall surely die, because we have seen God! (Judges 13:22, NKJV) Yes, they saw the Messiah in human form. Samson had miraculous strength and was a Nazirite. Some of Samson's supernatural deeds: Destroyed the Philistine's temple used as a religious sacrifice to their false god Dagon; the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson and he picked up a fresh jawbone of a donkey and killed a thousand men with it; and he also tore a lion apart. Samson did have a weakness for beautiful women, especially Delilah. She found out his secret: His strength was from his long hair. Of course, his true strength came from Yahweh. Yes, this is a true story that occured in time and space.

    The Ten CommandmentsThe Brazen Serpent in the Ten Commandments

    Image credits (left to right): Poster for the American theatrical run of the 1956 film The Ten Commandments. Illustrated by Macario Gómez Quibus. "Copyright © 1956 Paramount Pictures Corporation." This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1927 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed See 2. The Brazen Serpent curing the Israelites from poisonous snake bites by Benjamin West (1738-1820); in the Public Domain. Note: There is even a statue of Moses smiting the rock stands in Washington Park, Albany, New York.

    The Ten Commandments by Cecil B. DeMilles in 1956 staring Charlton Heston is a classic. Based on a true story about Moses (approx. date 1525-1407 B.C.) and the Israelites in the Book of Exodus. Moses was adopted by the Egyptian royal family and raised as a Prince in Egypt, but was born to Hebrew parents from the tribe of Levi. Yahweh used him to to free the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt for 400 years. This Yahweh who spoke to Moses in the burning bush was the Annointed One/Messiah or Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.

    The films above can be purchased at various stores such as Amazon. Recommended that teenagers see these classic movies. Also, see book entitled "The Trinity" by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Yes, the Hebrew teaches a distinction in the Godhead, but only One true God. In Exodus 24:10, "and they saw the God of Israel; and under His feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself." Since the God-Man standing before the leaders was identified as "the God of Israel" (v.10) and as "Yahweh" (v.12), nothing less than absolute deity is possible. This is why they were amazed that they were not struck dead for seeing God (v.11). They did not understand that , while to see God in His essential glory would mean instant death, to see God in a form of a Man did not mean death (see page 124 in The Trinity book).

    List of Apologetic Websites

    • Faith Defenders
    • Faith Defenders--Dr. Robert A. Morey is considered one of your top theologians and apologists in the world and as a young protégé with an IQ of 185 was selected by Yale University in the tenth grade high school to become part of the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG). Dr. Bob has over 60 books published and is a Hebrew and Greek scholar. Dr. Bob has books and C/D's on almost every topic. You can download free sermons and his archived radio programs.  Dr. Morey has spoken at many universities such as Harvard University and has written an excellent book for college students entitled A Christian Student's Survival Guide (there is no other book like this one on the market). Note: Dr. Morey's ministry has been recommended by some of the best-known Christian leaders such as Dr. D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries), Dr. John Ankerberg (The Ankerberg TV Show), Dr. Stephen Olford and so on.

    Frontline Fellowship

    Reformation SAReformationSA





    Vincent Cheung

    Vincent --solid biblical teachings by Dr. Cheung and author of over 30 books.

    Spiritual Counterfeits Project




    Spiritual Counterfeits Project --confronting the New Age Movement; Tal Brooke, President. The Trinity Foundation

    European Institute for Protestant Studies



    European Institute of Protestant Studies

    Jesus and Tim in Las Vegas




    Jesus and Tim in Las Vegas--radio program Christian Essentials--an evangelical website by Dr. Grudem.

    Perfect Peace Plan



    Rick Warren's "Perfect Peace Plan" exposed as anti-Christian by James Sundquist

    Apprising Ministries




    Apprising Ministries --exposes heretical teachings in the Evangelical churches.

    Christians Research Network




    Christian Research Network

    Watchman Fellowship, Inc.




    Watchman Fellowship, Inc. --Profiles on non-Christian religions & Cults

    Dr. Wayne Grudem, professor of theology.




    Dr. Wayne Grudem (Professor of Theology & Biblical Studies)


    Students Should be Warned of so-called Christian Psychological Counseling

    Psychoheresy.jpg      12 Steps to Destruction.jpgFour Temperaments.jpgSchool Theology 2008.jpg

    Counterfeit Counseling Psychological Seduction

    See DVD's entitled Counterfeit Counseling and Psychological Seduction--the Puritan Christians were using the Bible effectively for what they called 'soul care'. Why has the Evanglelical Church turned to counseling based on psychology and therapy whose ideas came from Sigmund Freud, which is contrary to the Bible?

    Citizens Commission on Human RightsWatchdog Investigating & Exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Violations

    (Also, see PDF on Psychology & the Church below; one will find some great books written on this subject such as PsychoHeresy that examines four commonly-held myths about psychology, analyzes attempts to integrate psychology with the Bible, reveals research exposing the fallacies of psychological counseling, and encourages a return to Biblical foundations for Christian living by Dr. Martin & Deidre Bobgan—recommended by Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Dave Hunt & T.A McMahon).

    Christian psychologists justify visualizing "Jesus" as a necessary "inner healing" therapeutic technique for dealing with "traumas" that are supposedly buried in the unconscious. This is nothing more than shamanism (witchcraft)--visualizing "inner guides" that are also used in self-improvement techniques. What happened to prayer, repentance, obedience, faith, filling of the Spirit, etc.?    

    Did you know that occult and New Age authors boldly brag that the human founding fathers of Psychotherapy and Psychology received their understandings from “familiar spirits”? Did you know that some pastors today are taking over churches and church bank accounts and then selling the land and the church? James Sundquist, author of Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church? and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan, and David Bay reveal how the Emerging Church and Purpose Driven Church movements are destroying Christianity in the United States. (See the following website: The Perfect Peace Plan .)

      Psychology and the Church - PDF

    PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries--the Christian ministry of Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan

    Articles exposing the false teachings of so-called Christian Psychology. 

    Spiritual Counterfeits project

    Tal Brooke's site above exposes the New Age Movement, Neo-Paganism, Christian Witchcraft & Christo-Paganism.

    Tal Brooke is President of SCP and a graduate of the University of Virginia and Princeton University. He is the son of Edgar Duffield Brooke (a diplomat and assigned to England as press attache) and Frances Brooke. Tal lived in England and then moved to India where he was converted. He tried to find meaning in life by adhereing to Hinduism--it demanded all-or-nothing commitment to finish the course of sadhana. His quest for enlightenment failed until the true God of the universe saved him.


    1. Putting Chimpanzees, 'hominids', and humans in their proper Place
    2. Is Young-earth Creationism a heresy?
    3. The Scientist as Evangelist
    4. Science and Truth
    5. The 'Great Global Warming Swindle' Debate
    6. Religion & Evolution Questions and Answers


    Miscellaneous Topics

    A. Global Warming

    B. Self-Defense and 2nd Amendment

    C. Abortion and Capital Punishment

    D. Illegal Immigration

    E. Economic and National Security Issues

    Important Websites to stay informed

    1. JBS--Contact your Elected Officials & Various Legislative Issues
    2. JBS--Standing for Family and Freedom
    3. WorldNetDaily—a truthful news site [publishers of the magazine “Whistleblower”]
    4. WallBuilders ProFamily Legislative Network—Click “Resources” then “Wallbuilders Resources” and then “Voters Resources” [see the voter’s guides].
    5. Wallbuilders
    6. CURE--Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education (fighting poverty)
    7. The National Black Pro-Life Union—Dr. Alveda C. King speaks out against abortion.
    8. American Family Association (AFA)
    9. Repent America
    10. Legislative Actions on the 2nd Amendment
    11. News Events on the 2nd Amendment
    12. Second Amendment Foundation
    13. Foundation For Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
    14. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
    15. Justice at the Gate

    Recommended books & C/D's

    Websites for Missionary and Evangelistic Training & Colleges and High Schools in NJ, PA, NYC & around the World: 

    Recommended Organization for College & High School students in NJ or PA to contact who want learn how to Evangelize and defend the faith on campuses or how to witness on the Streets—students can get real training by actually going out with the Streetlight group to such places as Princeton, Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania, etc.

    Note: NJIAT can be contacted by e-mail if interested in joining any of these two groups for evangelism or training.

    Listen to Alex Jones
    from 12:00 to 3:00 PM EST (Infowars)

    Alex Jones

    Dr. Robert A. Morey

    In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

    Join the NRA Today
    Second Amendment Foundation

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    [NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]